(Not) Flannel Friday: “Mrs. Mark’s Favorite Color” File Folder Story

6 Jan

The lovely Anne over at So Tomorrow has many times mentioned the book Storytime Magic by Kathy MacMillan and Christine Kirker as a source for many of her great flannelboards.  And when I finally got my grubby little paws on it, I found myself marking practically every other page as something I wanted to do for my storytimes.  This book is a gold mine!


Today’s (not flannel) story is on page 54. Mrs. Mark has a living room painted white, because that’s her favorite color. But when she sees the trunks of the trees outside, she decides that brown is her favorite color and so she paints her living room that color. This continues for a while – Mrs. Mark seeing something and deciding to paint her room that color.

We use a file folder, taped shut on all but one side, with a paint can image glued on front and the “paint” cut out to reveal the color. The color sheets are in order in the file folder, and every time she changes her mind, you pull the top sheet out to reveal the new color. I, of course, put labels on the colors.

Finally, Mrs. Mark decides she loves all the colors equally and can’t choose just one, so she decides to paint the room…

…like a rainbow!

I laminated the file folder so that it would be sturdier. Patterns for all the stories in Storytime Magic are provided online (at the link above), so I didn’t have to draw this great paint can myself. What a great resource this book is! Thanks, Anne, for the recommendation!

The full Flannel Friday roundup today will be hosted by Mollie, and you can click the link to the right to see all past flannels organized in a visual fashion. Enjoy!

4 Responses to “(Not) Flannel Friday: “Mrs. Mark’s Favorite Color” File Folder Story”

  1. missmaryliberry April 21, 2012 at 10:46 am #

    Done! Check out the “Follow” button on the right sidebar. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Carla April 19, 2012 at 1:05 pm #

    Please add a facebook button or an e-mail sign up so I can receive newsletters from you on a daily basis!!! Great site!

  3. annm February 25, 2012 at 11:51 pm #

    genius. I’m making this next week. Thanks!!

  4. Anne January 6, 2012 at 3:27 pm #

    YES!!!! I am so happy to spread the Storytime Magic gospel. I am dying to get my hands on Kindergarten Magic but I was JUST finally able to get an ILL request to go through. I hope it will be in my hot little hands soon. Has anyone already seen it?

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