Tag Archives: cowboys

Flannel Friday: D-U-S-T-Y (the horse)

31 Aug

Holy schnikies, people! It’s been far too long since I blogged. I apologize for my absence. Here, in penance, I offer you a super-easy flannelboard:

I made this one several years ago when, on short notice, I was invited to do storytime at a cowboy-themed end-of-school party for one of my preschool classes. I whipped this baby up quickly, and it shows. I’m sure you can make a much nicer version.

The text is from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays. The tune is “Bingo“:

There was a cowboy,

rode a horse,

And Dusty was his name-o.




And Dusty was his name-o.

Like my B-I-N-G-O board, I started with the letters, and then replaced them, one by one, with a picture of a horse. We neighed instead of saying each letter. Eventually, the board was all horses.

Was his name-o

Neigh! Neigh! S-T-Y

Now, those are some horses of a different color!

The Roundup today will be hosted by Linda. To see all past flannels, click on the icon to the right that leads to our Pinterest board!

Happy flanneling!